Playworker Meynell Walter on “When Should Adults Intervene in Children Play?”

In May 2017, Meynell visited Dorothy Snot school in Athens to participate in the opening event of our new, bigger school.

Given the chance, we organized a public discussion on “What is Play?” in our old school’s garden.

Meynell gladly shared his experience and wisdom with us! Get a taste of what happened by watching the following video:

Small talk over art class

Kindergarten kids enter into small talk over art class, trying to arrange who is attending who’s party over the weekend!
Allowing children to take full ownership of their school life, is always a huge boost for their confidence. Our kindergarten kids feel completely free to talk and discuss in class over all issues affecting their social life. Art class time is a great opportunity for that!

(you may not be able to understand Greek, but you will surely enjoy the following video!)