Process-based learning


Free play in class is an important part of the day, for any play-based preschool.


Through play, children imagine, create, disagree, negotiate, learn to solve problems, explore materials – but also develop their relationship with other children.


The decision of our kindergarten kids to construct a privacy box for their medical corner, gave them the opportunity to master all the above, plus to connect play with maths.


Children got divided into groups and began to work. First, paid a visit to the local carpenter to pick their wood.


Then, returned to school and started to work….


  • grouped pieces of wood according to height, shape and size
  • measured the length of the room and distances between the woods
  • chose the proper pieces for their construction
  • picked the rest of the staff needed, such as screws, nails and glue
  • calculated the quantities
  • chose the right tools.


While doing the above, class entered into assumptions, cooperation, testing, made mistakes and worked together to produce a certain result. But mostly, enjoyed the process!


(by Stavroula Gaoutsi, kindergarten teacher in Athens)

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